Abstract template for the Euromech Colloquium 581: template_em_581.doc
The email for abstracts submission: euromech_581@itp.nsc.ru
Important dates
Deadline for abstracts submission: February 15th 2016
Notification of abstracts acceptance: February 28th 2016
Opening of the Colloquium: May 30th, 2016
Important documents
Registration Form for persons who doesn't need a visa: Registration_form.doc
Registration and Request Form for Invitation: Request_Form_for_Invitati
Information about the Letter of Invitation and Visa Application: About the Letter of Invitation.doc
An agreement for Russian legal entity: Agreement
An agreement for an individual person from Russia: Agreement
Act for Russian legal entity: Act
Act for an individual person from Russia :Act
Colloquium Fees
The fee for the Colloquium includes welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, the gala dinner, the excursion (sightseeing tours around Akademgorodok and Novosibirsk). The organizers plan to arrange the post‐ Colloquium trip to Altai Mountains (not included into fee).
- Euromech members: 250 €
- Euromech nonmembers: 280 € (includes one year affiliation to Euromech, 24 €, and bank transfer expenses, 6 €)
- Ph.D. students: 150 €
Payment will be possible only in CASH on site.